Concrete help to support health workers engaged in the fight against Covid-19. LU-VE, from its headquarters in the Province of Varese in Italy, the third largest operator in the air heat exchanger sector, has donated € 300,000 to support the activities of frontline clinical structures to deal with the emergency generated by the Covid-19 virus. The donation was intended for structures operating in the four Provinces where the Group’s Italian plants are located, as a symbol of emotional and physical nearness to the various local entities.
LU-VE’s support has gone to the hospitals in the Varese area (as part of the fundraising organized by the Varese branch of Confindustria – General Confederation of Italian Industry), to the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Pavia Foundation, to the Local Health Authority Dolomiti Provincia di Belluno (initiative coordinated by the Belluno Dolomiti branch of Confindustria) and to the San Bortolo Onlus Foundation for Hospitals of Vicenza.
“In normal times we would not have disclosed this operation, but the country is going through difficult times and I think it is the duty of all of us, companies and citizens, to act and to call everyone to action. We don’t just want to offer concrete help to the clinical structures that are in the front line against the threat of Covid-19, we also want to show them a sign of closeness, esteem and gratitude for their struggle to defend the community and all of us. – commented Matteo Liberali, CEO of LU-VE Group – Only by staying united and following the indications of the competent authorities will we be able to overcome this challenge and start again with even more enthusiasm, when the crisis is behind us. In these difficult times, a sign of hope comes from China, where our plant in Tianmen (Hubei), closed following the health emergency, has returned to full speed production. We hope that soon our country too will be able to return to daily life founded on commitment and passion for work and closeness to loved ones. We’ll get through this together!“