Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI) has delivered the first 2021 market reports on Chillers, Fan Coils, Rooftops, Chilled Beams, Air Curtains, and Water Fan Heaters. Chiller, Fan Coil, and Rooftop collections have increased in the number of participants.
The Fan Coil, Rooftop, and Water Fan Heater programmes have obtained a noticeable increase in the number of participating manufacturers and, consequently, representativeness of the market. The Chilled Beams collection was rather stable as market coverage is already near 100%.
The Chillers programme has increased its number of participants from 48 in 2020 to 52 in 2021, with an exciting surprise return of Engie to the collection. Another surprise was seen in the Rooftops collection with the arrival of Energie Transfert Thermique (ETT), which brings the level of representativeness of this collection to over 90% of the market. Fan Coils have also obtained an increase in the number of participants by 17%. Water Fan Heaters has doubled its number of participants, from 9 to 17 participants in a year.
The remaining market reports will be delivered before the end of March. There is still time to participate in the remaining programmes before the results are sent out.
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