The Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 entered into force in 2015. Since then, a number of critical impacts on businesses, in particular SMEs, has been observed. Examples are unplannable supply situations or exorbitant rising prices for refrigeration fluids and gases. Furthermore, the main intention of the regulation to protect our climate could be compromised by increasing illegal imports of f-gases.
SMEunited, the association of crafts and SMEs in Europe, would like to present its observations and discuss possible further actions with the Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission, and other stakeholders. In particular, its aim is to focus on adverse effects on the environment and climate. Here the Association sees room for improvement and at the same time a possibility to significantly reduce the burden for SMEs. The objective of the breakfast event, planned for November, 13th, is to encourage a comprehensive discussion on eco- and energy efficiency as well as on safety and feasibility regarding planning and construction of refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems.
- Introduction by MEP Angelika Winzig, Austria
- Wolfgang Zaremski, President ASERCOM AISBL, Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers
- Bente Tranholm-Schwarz, European Commission, DG Climate Action
- Juerg Hagleitner, Chairman Austrian Sector of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Technicians
- Chaired by Véronique Willems, Secretary General SMEunited
Followed by a Question & Answer Session
Selected Topics:
- Goals and achievements of the EU-F-Gas-Regulation
- Legal, technical and entrepreneurial aspects of the implementation of EU-f-gases-regulation
- Experiences and developments
- Possible further actions
Where: Members Salon, European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels, Belgium.
When: November 13h, 8:30AM
Registration Details: HERE by 31st October 2019.