On the occasion of COP 28, the IIR and Efficiency for Access, with the contribution of ESMAP, have published a new guide. It aims to provide accessible and practical guidance to enable developers, owners, operators and suppliers to specify, install and operate effective and appropriate precoolers and cold rooms that are as economically viable as possible in off-grid, unreliable and limited power supply situations.
At COP28, a new publication entitled “Walk-In Cold Rooms: A Practitioner’s Technical Guide” was presented during a side event dedicated to the cold chain.
The production of this guide is based on cooperation between the International Institute of Refrigeration and Efficiency for Access (EforA), with the contribution of the ESMAP Efficient Clean Cooling Program of the World Bank. It is the result of the collaboration of more than 40 leading experts and suppliers, notably in Africa and India, under the supervision of Giovanni Cortella and Jeremy Tait.
In many developing countries, a large proportion of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood, and the development of the cold chain – from farm to the final consumer – can bring an important boost to incomes and foster economic growth. Cold rooms are an essential link in the cold chain, the aim of which is to preserve health security and food quality and nutritional value.
This guide aims to provide accessible and practical guidance to enable developers, owners, operators and suppliers to specify, install and operate effective and appropriate precoolers and cold rooms that are as economically viable as possible in off-grid, unreliable and limited power supply situations, relying on distributed renewable energy sources and energy storage.
The guide is available in English in electronic format and in open access on the IIR website and on the Efficiency for Access website.
A very complete Overview of this guide is also available.