The European HVACR industry and its current challenges

Francesco Scuderi, Eurovent General Secretary
Francesco Scuderi, Eurovent General Secretary

Currently, the European HVACR industry is hinged between its historical propensity for innovation, which has always characterized its dynamism and soundness, and the various national, European and global challenges that define its scope of action and influence.

Eurovent has always promoted and supported the Indoor Air Quality as fundamental, as well as the Indoor Environmental Quality and finally the current review of the European Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) seems to start considering the requisites that Member States will have to define and the relative parameters to be monitored inside buildings themselves. If this should emerge in the final text of the Directive, Europe and its HVAC&R industry would be at the core of a real revolution, absolutely promoted and supported by Eurovent and its members.

In the framework of the present review of the F-GAS Regulation, Eurovent and its members are particularly active in working at solutions that fully comply with the current European strategies (first of all the European REPowerEU plan that is expected to lead to the installation of 30 million new heat pumps by 2030) in the most possible sustainable development of the HVAC&R industry.

If it is true that heat pumps are the key technology towards the decarbonization and the abandonment of the energy produced by fossil sources, it is as true that this transition towards the green energy will have the chance of taking place just granting a sustainable development to said technology: impossible to think of following the decarbonization way while forgetting the surrounding conditions.

Eurovent, in supporting the various policy makers who have worked at the review for some time and in all sites, asks that the new F-GAS suitably takes into account the present technological limits, considers its future developments and ensures the achievements of the targets already established at central level (EU Green deal, REPowerEU).

All these goals defined on a European scale are and will be achievable only when each link of the chain will be properly involved and participant. Everyone must suitably take part in the regulatory process according to a real osmotic exchange to share in the definition of new medium-long term scenarios.

Moreover, we should not underestimate how the HVAC&R industry is more and more dependent on the availability of skilled staff at any level.

The HVAC&R industry is particularly innovative but at the same time it needs a strong promotion by new generations: many of Eurovent members have undertaken interesting promotion and training programmes that not only aim at presenting the HVAC&R world to young people but even more promote their values and image, so succeeding in attracting and making aware those who will be the protagonists of the future.

In its inside as well, Eurovent is considering to facilitate new generations’ education with a suitable range of workshops and webinars, not only aimed at presenting the HVAC&R industry but also focused on the correct training and education of the new technicians, protagonists of the next future.

The HVAC&R industry plays a protagonist role in a complex, articulated and challenging technological/regulatory context, increasingly global and characterized by European excellences that are represented in Eurovent, which with its historical role is more and more the real house of HVAC&R industry.


Francesco Scuderi, Eurovent General Secretary