The roadshow organised by the Commissioning Team of EptaTechnica and dedicated to its Authorised TAC centres (Technical Assistance Centres) is coming to an end.
Innovation, cutting-edge technology, quality, respect for the environment and expertise are among the distinctive factors of Epta. These are precisely the elements found in each business aspect and shared with all partners.
Exclusive training dedicated to Epta-affiliated technicians
Epta invests continuously in professional training. For this reason, it recently proposed a touring refresher course which touched 10 key Italian cities.
From Palermo to Turin passing through Sardinia, the training allowed all affiliated technicians to deepen their knowledge and preparation in CO2. It is natural refrigerant gas in which the highest expectations are placed for commercial refrigeration in Europe.
In detail, the training held by the experts of EptaTechnica, was structured in different moments. The main objective was to merge theoretical insights on new technological frontiers with tests in the sector.
The participants were able to put into practice immediately what they learnt thanks to the sessions held at the stores of the Epta clients.
Working in refrigeration: the skills for a sustainable future
Emanuele Francone, Commissioning Manager of Epta declares: «I am very satisfied with the success of these events, conceived by the common desire of Epta and its partners to always guarantee Retailers best service and cutting-edge systems such as our FTE 2.0 and ETE packs».
And he adds: «An initiative which has merged professional training and fruitful exchangeon the latest novelties, during a moment of sharing which, after two years of distance, has finally allowed us to find ourselves once again. Thanks to all those who have contributed to making these events unique. Together, we are committed to writing the future of refrigeration, guided by the principles of sustainable innovation and by collaboration, as essential tools for growth».