Epta has recently been awarded the Legality Rating, an attestation introduced in 2012 by AGCM, the Antitrust Authority, to promote principles of ethical conductin Italian businesses, in the implementation of the law converting decree-law n°.29 of 24 March 2012.
The Rating grants a recognition, measured in “stars”, a maximum of three, based on the level of proper business management. The first is achieved by companies that respect all the regulatory requirements and the subsequent levels are achieved by those that besides legal obligations, promote virtuous and socially responsible actionsand projects. To bear witness to the commitment of the Gruppo in these areas, AGCM has awarded Epta ★★++.
The rating provides numerous advantages in relations with Public Administration bodies and Credit Institutes. These benefits are joined by positive effects on the reputational level. The Rating confirms the financial solidity and reliability of Epta towards its customers, partners and suppliers, as well as its attention to the ESG criteria (Environmental, Social and Governance).