In a message from the CEO Per Bertlans, Beijer Ref AB communicates following: “a significant part of our end customer base consists of supermarkets and food retailers. As society as a whole, now more than ever relies on them serving us with essentials, they must be provided with refrigeration technique, products, and components to be able to run their businesses without any disruptions.
Today, Beijer Ref has more than 400 branches in Europe, Africa, and Asia Pacific. Our ambition is to keep as many of them open as possible, fully stocked with products. Added to that, we have made efforts to increase our level of e-commerce, and we have expanded our delivery service.
Our OEM site in Wuxi, China, has been running as usual since a month back. Our site in Italy is also open and is delivering products to our European branches.
Naturally, Beijer Ref takes all precautions necessary to stop spreading the covid-19 virus with increased hygiene and cleaning measures at our sites and branches. The safety of our employees is our top priority, and we carefully monitor the regulations in each local market.
This is a time for commitment and standing united as a whole. I am proud of the fighting spirit of the entire staff at Beijer Ref. We will keep doing our utmost to be a reliable partner to our customers, suppliers and end-users”.