Jordan: Kick Off of Jordan’s National Cooling Strategy Working Group


The Jordan Ministry of Environment held the first meeting for the National Cooling Strategy Working Group on 3 May 2023. The meeting presented the objectives of Jordan’s National Cooling Strategy and National Cooling Action Plan.

The National Cooling Strategy aims to address the challenge of increasing demand for cooling and its impact on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the environment. The strategy’s steering committee discussed the initial cooling action plan, methodology, and goals to promote sustainable cooling in Jordan including reducing energy consumption and the use of refrigerants with high global warming potential.

The Working Group kickoff meeting set up the working group and their roles and responsibilities, determined the information and data that would be needed, and established what each participating organization would be able to provide.

The meeting was hybrid and held in the Royal Scientific Society in the participation of the NCS team (Guidehouse, Öko-Recherche, and UNDP) and the working group members.

The Cool Up team gave an overview of the national cooling strategy’s vision. Additionally, they discussed the roles and responsibilities of those participating, the sector’s scope, and data required for the expected outcome. At the end of the meeting, participants agreed on next steps and what data types could be provided to them.

The Cool Up Programme is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.

Together with our partners, Cool Up is looking forward to continuing working closely with the Ministry of Environment on promoting solutions for sustainable cooling and natural refrigerants in Jordan.